
Artikel-Schlagworte: „gamespot“

Video Game History Month

Den Jungs von ist aufgefallen, dass Videospiele nun schon seit fast 40 Jahren existieren. Zur Feier dieser Erkenntnis hat das Onlinemagazin den Video Game History Month ausgerufen.

“So, we all got to thinking that we should find some time once a year to start looking back, which brings us to this idea of Video Game History Month. Every Thursday of this month, we’ll be putting up video pieces that look back at some key games, people, events, and hardware from the history of games. Each Friday this month, we’ll have a photo feature that looks at some fun moments in game history. While this isn’t going to be a chronological run through history–it’s more of a random sampling of stuff we think is notable and interesting–there’s actually a reason for that: We’ve got much bigger plans for this idea in the years to come, and this is just the kickoff.”

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