Dubmood: C’etait mieux en RDA Vol. 2

Data Airlines

[audio:https://www.superlevel.rip/wp-content/uploads/dubmood.mp3|titles=C’etait mieux en RDA Vol. 2]

Das sind die ersten zehn Minuten aus dem einstündigen GameBoy-Mixtape C’etait mieux en RDA Vol. 2 von Data Airlines.

“Dubmood is a crossgenre Swedish chipmusician living in Marseille who put out his first chiptunes on modarchive back in 1996. Since then he has been composing chipmusic for various crackgroups but residing with the infamous Razor 1911, by FBI described as the oldest software piracy ring on the internet.”

Un…glaub…lich gut. Download- und Hörbefehl für alle, die Chiptunes mögen. Go!