
Graphical Evolution of First Person Shooters (1992-2012)

“Original games without any mod, rendered in actual resolutions of the period.”

1992 - Wolfenstein 3d (id Software)
1993 - Doom (id Software)
1995 - Dark Forces (LucasArts)
1996 - Quake (id Software)
1997 - Quake 2 (id Software)
1998 - Half-Life (Valve Software)
1999 - Quake 3 (id Software)
2000 - Project I.G.I. (Innerloop Studios)
2001 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein (id Software)
2002 - Battlefield 1942 (DICE)
2003 - Deus Ex: Invisible War (Ion Storm)
2004 - Doom 3 (id Software)
2005 - Battlefield 2 (DICE)
2007 - Crysis (Crytek)
2009 - Arma 2 (Bohemia Interactive)
2010 - Metro 2033 4A (Games)
2011 - Battlefield 3 (DICE)

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