- Gamification – Mehr als Points, Badges und Leaderboards "Zahlreiche neue mobile, lokale oder soziale Konzepte enthalten eine oder mehr der Komponenten, die wir bisher aus Videospielen kannten und entwickeln sich aufgrund der Kombination unterschiedlichster Spielmechaniken zu viralen Erfolgsmodellen."
- A Beginner’s Guide To Making Your First Video Game "Believe it or not, this can involve you."
- Field of View "It's 11 p.m. on a Friday night in August. After a long day at work and an enjoyable dinner with friends, you're on your way home. Your favorite scarf is wrapped around your neck, and you're feeling good."
- Entering Hoard Mode: The Love and Lust of Game Collecting "This short feature on game collecting appears in the February 2013 issue of Wired magazine."
- Critical Compilation: Prince of Persia "This compilation has remained unscheduled in Critical Distance’s backlogs for going on three years and is no doubt out of date."
- Nintendo Controller Coffee Table "Coffee designed after the Nintendo controller from 1985."
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