- A small talk at the back of beyond "It’s a text-based, umm, puzzle game about conversation. Something between the games Facade and Don’t Shit Your Pants."
- Morf "A web-based roguelike where you take over the bodies and abilities of enemies you kill."
- Die Gamergesellschaft, die keine sein möchte "Dies ist ein Versuch der Analyse unserer Gamergesellschaft und wie sie sich entwickelt. Das Funkkolleg auf hr2 über Digitale Weltuntergänge: Shooting Games, Rollenspiele und Suchtphänomene."
- Who is Gordon Freeman? "Gordon Freeman, age 27, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a PhD in Theoretical Physics and works as a Research Associate at the Black Mesa Research Facility in New Mexico."
- Let’s Ban Scores In Gaming Reviews "There are some good ideas for fixing the terrible, arbitrary scale games are reviewed on. But the best idea might be to just get rid of them."