- BITES & PIECES CRUST CUTTER "Get ready for the exciting game of peanut butter and jelly (or ham and cheese… whatever you're in the mood for) sandwich."
- 13 great grunters in video games "Who needs words?"
- Special zu Spielkultur "Frauen spielen zwar numerisch nur eine kleine Rolle, haben sich aber in vielen Kreativbereichen durchgesetzt und einen Namen gemacht. Wir stellen Designerinnen, Musikerinnen, Produzentinnen und Autorinnen vor…"
- Sapience "A retro-style FPS with some RPG elements such as a level/experience/skill point system, an inventory and a storyline."
- Garriott On Shroud Of The Avatar, Why He Needs KS "Like so many role-playing pioneers before him, Richard Garriott has joined the boom-or-bust gold rush that is Kickstarter."
- The 9 Worst Videogame Launches of All-Time "However, SimCity is not the first game to put users through this kind of launch mess. Here are 9 other games that had terrible launches."
- SnakeDemocracy — RIGHT. LEFT. VOTE. "We won't tolerate the dictatorship of one Snake player anymore."
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