

  • Bat Country shoot-em-up games flash "This game evolved out of some monster sprites i did a while back but never used, i looked back at them and really liked the simple look and art style so i wanted to make a game from them."
  • Pixelmacher – Mindfuck mit allen Mitteln games tv video wtf "Seit Erfindung des Internet und der ersten Videospielkonsolen überlegen sich Designer, Künstler und Grafiker, wie sie den User um den Verstand bringen können."
  • ★SWAP★ games flash action ★SWAP★ ★SWAP★ ★SWAP★ ★SWAP★ ★SWAP★ ★SWAP★ ★SWAP★
  • Deepth games unity puzzle "You control one sphere, move and jump across a platform to reach the red block and it’ll create a new platform randomly for you where you do the same thing (move to the red block) over and over again till… you drop dead and die…"
  • Bioshoot Infinite +1 games demake twine "The year is the early 1900's. You are Dude Bro McGunpants."
