- Return to the Sky "Return to the Sky is a side-scrolling platformer that has players attempting to escape the maw of an ever hungry beast."
- Memory Insufficient "The games history e-zine"
- THE BUM "The game tells a story of a homeless man who communicates with the world using an old sock on his right hand."
- Rapala Angry Birds Products "Rapala Angry Birds products are engaging and provide beginners with an easy way to learn fishing. The product family includes lures, key rings, fishing combos, pole fishing rods, float sets, lure boxes, and fishing tackle bags."
- Colour Blind "Solve the puzzles using the different colour palettes at your disposal and save your precious left eye from the dusty pirate clouds!"
- Some Waneella’s Pixel Art .
- Balanced, Unbalanced, Perfectly Unbalanced "Auf die Frage nach dem perfekt ausbalancierten Videospiel lautet in neun von zehn Fällen die Antwort StarCraft."
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