Indie Devs: Your Game is Your Babygamesindiedevelopment"In the world of digital games, you generally have two ends of a spectrum. On one end, we have the AAA stuff – the stuff that has a standee at GameStop and that you might see television commercials for. On the other end of the spectrum, you have the indie stuff – stuff that you encounter simply browsing app stores or due to word of mouth."
When Games Pretend to Be Games They Aren’tgames"Candy Crush is a scam. You all know Candy Crush, right? Of course you do. You’re playing it right now. Anyway, it’s a scam. The whole play experience is designed to trick you into spending money on in-game content."
The Making Of: Boulder Dashgameshistory"Budgets are tight, stakes are high and teams are huge – a successful game today is planned and scheduled to the last detail, from concept to completion. It’s refreshing to hear, then, that a key touchstone for a generation of gamers started life as little more than a mathematical exercise that snowballed gloriously out of control."
Wie "sexy" dürfen Charaktere in Videospielen sein?games"Die Videospielindustrie tut sich im Jahr 2013 immer noch schwer mit Sexualität. Während Gräueltaten und Brutalität zum Standard erhoben wurden, fürchtet man bei jedem Stück nackter Haut, Konsumenten oder irgendwelchen Meinungsführern auf den Schlips zu treten."
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