

  • Tamagotchi-Hype in den neunziger Jahren games offline hardware "Wer cool war, hatte einen Vogel. Mitte der Neunziger schlüpfte in Japan eine irre Idee: Tamagotchis. Die kleinen Haustiere fristeten auf einem briefmarkengroßen LCD-Schirm ihr Leben – und machten Millionen Kinder auf der ganzen Welt zu glücklichen Vogel-Eltern. Dann begann das große Sterben."
  • ▶ Twistboy – Applesauce music chiptune "Stranded in the middle of nowhere, Twistboy tries to capture his feelings and emotions and transmit them to outer space."
  • Interview with Paul Koller « My Commodore 64 c64 interview development "He came from nowhere … actually he’s from the Netherlands but Paul Koller or Paulko64 as he goes by in the C64 scene, isn’t one of those still active legends from the 80’s and 90’s like Jeroen Tel and Manfred Trenz. Instead Paul Koller took up the old hobby of assembly coding from his youth when he was in his early thirties and set out to port successful indie games such as VVVVVV, Canabalt and Super Crate Box to our beloved Commodore 64."
  • MAINTAIN games flash arcade psychology "This is a game meant to showcase what life can be like living with mental disabilities, and how one must (attempt to) maintain normality in their day-to-day life."
  • Peten Paja: Toorum’s Quest II games retro hardware diy "What did you just see? Simply put I made a retro 8-bit video game console, called The Box, and a 2D platformer game for it."
  • Barbie Dreamhouse Party Creeps The Crap Out Of Me games wtf "I think Barbie Dreamhouse Party might be the most sarcastic, darkly satirical game I’ve ever played."
  • On Asm.js technology javascript "The demo is striking: Unreal Engine, running live in a browser, powered by Mozilla's Asm.js, offering near native performance with hardware accelerated graphics. A gasp here, a wow there, everyone is surely impressed. And look ma', no plug-ins: just JavaScript, Web Audio and WebGL! Just don't mind the 10 second hang on load as it's Preparing JavaScript."

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