Bytes in F-Durgamesmusic"Die Musik von Videospielen ist mehr als nur klingendes Beiwerk – oft bleibt sie uns intensiver im Gedächtnis als viele andere Spielelemente. Nicole, Martin, Lucie und Daniel schreiben über ihre Erinnerungen und stellen ihre Lieblinge vor."
An Honest Analysis of the Great Video Game Crash of 1983businesshistoryatari"Somehow it has become engrained in popular culture that the cause for the ‘Great Crash’ had to do with just two bad games that were released for the Atari 2600, Pac-Man and E.T.: The Extraterrestrial. As we review the reasons for the crash, that popular myth, among others, will be dispelled."
Global Game Jam 2014 Highlights – Part 2gamesindiegamejam"Some games follow the theme strictly, yet gracefully. Others seem to stray, though that’s also a matter of interpretation. Regardless, this weekend spawned thousands of awesome new games for the world to enjoy, and below is but a small collection of some of our favorites."
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