- The complex ethics of funding a game via Kickstarter "SCALE creator Steve Swink gave a fantastic talk during the Independent Games Summit at GDC 2014 about the challenges of navigating the ethical quandaries that developers often face while trying to run successful crowdfunding campaigns."
- ZITRIS "This is intended to be a co-op game. One that you can play with your stepdad. But you can also play it alone."
- An der Oberfläche kratzen "Beim 29. Ludum Dare entstanden in 48 Stunden 2497 Spiele."
- Local multiplayer is back – and it’s indies leading the charge "Online play has consumed multiplayer gaming so completely that it has changed the videogame lexicon. We must now describe playing videogames together in the same room as ‘local’ multiplayer; that qualifier implies that traditional social play has become secondary, somehow, and yet it has been fundamental to the medium’s birth and popularisation. It’s a vital part of videogame history which feels a little neglected today."
- Werd erwachsen, Deutscher Computerspielpreis "Fünf Jahre lang haben sich Andre Peschke und Heiko Klinge ehrenamtlich beim Deutschen Computerspielpreis als Jurymitglieder engagiert. Doch die Weigerung der Ausrichter, Computerspiele als Kulturmedium ernst zu nehmen, zwingt sie zum Austritt."
- Why are players of 30-year-old games still chasing new high scores? "To be one of only half-a-dozen people in the world to have climbed this mountain is most definitely worth it. Some see it as the Holy Grail in arcade gaming."
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