“Let’s re-cap: a cartridge manufactured in 2008, containing a demo written in 2001, which is a vector-graphics reproduction of an internet meme from 2000, based on a video game from 1989, running on a video game system manufactured in 1982.”
Archiv: Tag „meme“
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Le Internet Medley
OMFG DIS IS SOO AWSUMMM!!!!►►►◀▲▼♪♬♪♥ (…)
Optimistic Indie Developer
Im TIGSource Forum und bei Reddit geistert seit ein paar Tagen dieses witzige neue Imagemacro über Indiegame-Entwickler umher. Der Thread hat bereits 14 Seiten voller bitterböser Insiderwitze und ein Template auf Memegenerator.net gibts auch schon. I approve of this. (…)
All Your Base Still Are Belong To Us
Beinahe verpasst: Heute wird das legendäre Flashvideo zu jenem legendären All Your Base Are Belong To Us-Meme zehn Jahre alt:
“It was most people’s first introduction to the now-familiar concept of the “Internet meme,” which describes an image, video, joke or other concept that spreads quickly through the frictionless tubes of the Internet.