

  • Memories Of My 16-Year Career In Video Games games history "After 16 years covering the game industry, playing hundreds of games and interviewing thousands of people, I've slowly developed a catalog of life events tied around memories of games."
  • S.EXE: Merritt Kopas On Porn, Pain, And Power games sex interview "This week’s S.EXE entry is an interview with a person who speaks and writes regularly about sex in games and who has made games about relationships along the way. I first became aware of the multimedia artist & game designer Merritt Kopas through her shrewd skewering of games on the website Nightmare Mode, for which I was also writing at the time."
  • Retrozirkel #57: Another World games retro podcast "Another World ist auf vielen Ebenen ein ungewöhnliches Spiel. Lucie und Martin widmen sich dem Klassiker und erkunden fremde Planeten. Ausserdem sterben sie drölfzig mal und philosophieren über das Genre der “cinematic platformer”."
  • Stay Forever #35: Commander Keen games retro podcast "Wer Anfang der 90er Jahre auf einem PC spielte, der hatte es nicht leicht, etwas anderes zu finden als Strategie und Simulation und Adventure. Der Amiga, quasi die verführerische Schwester des PC, glänzte mit mehr Vielfalt im Angebot; die Konsolen hatten schon große Helden wie Mario oder Sonic. Dann kam Commander Keen, quasi die Antwort des PC auf Jump&Runs im Stile von Super Mario Bros."
  • Glitchhikers games pc mac freeware adventure wtf "Have you ever driven alone late at night? Found yourself thinking thoughts you’d never have anywhere else? Weird music playing on the radio? Glitchhikers is about that experience. Every drive is a journey. Every thought a conversation. What do you see when you look out at the night sky?"

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