- Pay for Play: The ethics of paying for YouTuber coverage "Ethics are regularly a hot topic in video game criticism."
- DayZ: Rainer Sigl für WASD über die Landschaft des Zombiespiels "DayZ weckt bei WASD-Autor Rainer Sigl besondere Erinnerungen. Für ihn ist die Welt der Zombie-Apokalypse das Spiegelbild der realen, vergangenen Todeszone gleich hinter seinem Kinderzimmer. Eine Familiengeschichte."
- More Than Nostalgia: In Defense Of Remakes & Re-Releases "While there is a fair share of cynicism which can be justifiably aimed at how the industry is drawing on nostalgia to excuse itself from innovation, there is a clear positive perspective to this interest in playing old games. This is an outcome of an industry emerging technically and culturally to the extent that it’s developing a greater sense of self. Crucially, it’s the outcome of a medium which is placing growing importance on meaningful content over formal improvements. "
- Einkommen von Computerspiele-Entwicklern – Über Geld redet man nicht "Schüchternheit? Scham? Non-Disclosure Agreements? Nur wenige Entwickler reden gern über Geld. Dabei brauchen die Märchen von neureichen Indiestars in schnittigen Elektroautos dringend ein Korrektiv."
- Lenna’s Inception "Adventurer Lenna sets out on a quest to hunt down the Archangel that disembowelled her bright young students. Armed with discarded weaponry, divine artifacts, and blood-thirsty pets, she soon becomes mankind’s only hope for survival."
- DIY Raspberry Pi Gameboy "Celebrate the 20th anniversary of that classic gaming device by building your own with 3D printing and DIY electronics from adafruit."
- How to play Street Fighter: a fighting game primer for everyone "It's never too late to learn how to play Street Fighter."
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