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Kunihiko Morinaga – Pixelated Fashion

Auch auf die Gefahr hin, von euch als einer dieser verweichlichten Modeblogger beschimpft zu werden, möchte ich auf die neue Kollektion des japanischen Designers Kunihiko Morinaga hinweisen.

“Morinaga showcases an 8-bit interpretation of the range of women’s fashion, from dresses and professional suits to athletic styles and sweatshirts, in the pixel-patterned fall/winter 2011/2012 collection of his fashion company anrealage.




“Ladies and gents, fellow humans — presenting Pixelfari, a pixely, 8-bitty version of everyone’s favorite browser. Enjoy chunky fonts, blocky graphics, and a general sense of giddy inefficiency. Spearheaded by yours truly and developed by a very clever friend. Free+fun!”

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