- L.I.F.E. "The game is an extremely simplified model of regular course of life. Five chapters from childhood to old age with five different mechanics. Different endings depend on what decisions the player has made during gameplay."
- Shape Fold 2 "Fold colorful pieces into simple shapes."
- Video games and gun violence: A year after Sandy Hook "Following the horrific December 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook, the game industry sat down with the Vice President to talk about gun violence. A year later we ask: What's come of that meeting? Gamasutra's Mike Rose reports."
- Flappy Jam "Make a game, infinite scrollers recommended, use assets inspired (not ripped) from classics, make it insanely hard, almost unplayable."
- Candy King Eats The World "Candy King is about to eat the world. Game created for Candy Jam."
- The Squalid Grace of Flappy Bird "Games are grotesque."
- GameLab-Podcast #6 – Homophobie "Wir sprechen über Homophobie als gesellschaftliches Problem und stochern anschließend in einer Straßenumfrage nach euren Meinungen. Zudem unterhalten wir uns mit Matt Conn, Gründer der ersten Videospielmesse für Schwule und Lesben GaymerX, und sprechen über sein neues Projekt Read Only Memories."
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