Games: Videospiele sind voller Wurmfortsätzegamesretro"Früher war alles besser, finden viele Spielefans: Games waren schwieriger, reduzierter. Gleichzeitig enthalten aktuelle Titel Reste aus der Frühzeit, sinnlose, nervende Überbleibsel wie Speicherpunkte. Was für ein Unsinn!"
FEMICOM Museumgamesretro"FEMICOM showcases feminine, girly, cutesy retrogames but is not strictly “for girls.” Everyone’s welcome; come on in!"
Tate Worlds: Art Reimagined for Minecraftgamesartminecraft"Tate Worlds are exciting Minecraft ‘maps’ that present virtual environments inspired by artworks from Tate’s collection. The maps allow players of Minecraft to explore a range of paintings and sculpture, undertaking various activities and challenges that relate to the themes of the artworks, or exploring how they were made. Tate has teamed up with some of Minecraft’s best known mapmakers to create these virtual artworks, offering a unique combination of art, history and adventure."
Dote Night: The Problem With YouPorn Sponsorshipbusinessporn"eSports is a growing industry, and one which has started to court a more mainstream audience and make efforts towards inclusivity. Sponsorship from YouPorn feels like taking a step backwards for everyone except YouPorn."