Super Mario 64 – No A Button TAS

Okay, das hier dürfte dann wohl der Speedrun des Monats sein. Vier japanische Runner holen sich in Super Mario 64 ganze 20 Sterne (mehr gingen wohl nicht) – ohne je A zu drücken. In 21 Minuten und 12.43 Sekunden. Der interessante Teil beginnt ab 4:53.

If Mario can’t use A button, how many stars Mario can get? And how much time does it take?

This TAS is made by 4 Japanese TASers.

ToTxTASx ( )
Toyuru2 ( )
Gorogoro12352 )
Mickey (me)

Game version: Super Mario 64 (J) v1.0
Count of star: 20
Total Frames: 76586 (37417input)
Play time: 21:16.43
Re-records: 56082

Tool-assisted Speedruns for the fucking win. Hier noch ein cleverer Kommentar aus dem Reddit-Thread:

The fact that someone has taken a game with a character who debuted as “Jumpman”, whose most famous move is jumping, and then decided to try and beat it without fucking jumping says a lot about how much gamers care what the dev team wants them to do.

