“You fight light a dairy farmer.”
A brief history of Dungeons & Dragons
- Game Developer Salary Survey 2014 "Gamasutra recently polled over 4,000 game developers worldwide, asking them the question: How much money did you make?"
- ▶ Pierce Brosnan Plays GoldenEye 007 with Jimmy "Jimmy fulfills a childhood dream by playing the Nintendo 64 video game GoldenEye 007 against former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan."
PBS Game/Show: The Secret History of Videogames & The Military
The Story of Warcraft
Complete History of Jurassic Park in Games
Video Games: The Movie
“We played everything.” (Zach Braff)
Zach Braff, der quirlige Tausendsassa, den man hierzulande vor allem als den infantilen Internisten aus Scrubs kennt, einer US-amerikanischen Comedyadaption des deutschen Erfolgsformats OP ruft Dr. Bruckner, macht gerne Filme über Dinge, die er cool findet. Man erinnere sich nur an seinen bisher erfolgreichsten, Garden State, der die Karriere der Shins beflügelte und der Natalie Portmans zumindest nicht nachhaltig geschadet hat. (…)
Colossal Cave Adventure: Die Geburt des virtuellen Abenteuers
Gerade erst ist die letzte Episode von Telltales The Wolf Among Us erschienen. Rätsel gibt es dabei kaum noch, stattdessen Atmosphäre zum schneiden und eine dichte und spannende Geschichte, die sich selbst zu Recht ernst nimmt. Es scheint trotzdem, als habe das Adventure-Genre in den vergangenen zehn Jahren beträchtlich an Komplexität verloren. (…)
- The Original Lucasfilm Games Team Talk About Life at Skywalker Ranch "Booger Hunt. George Lucas avoiding tax penalties. Monkey Island and dependency charts. The Lost Patrol. A file drawer full of crazy ideas. This is the story about life at Lucasfilm Games – as told by the people who lived it."
- Entity "Entity is a game about a girl who wakes up with sleep paralysis, a stage between awake and dreaming.
5 Genre-Defining Games Forgotten by History
- Coming Out Simulator 2014 "Be careful what you say. In this conversation simulator, everyone will remember every dialogue option you pick, and your choices drive the story. This game is semi-autobiographical."
- Girlfriend’s Grandma’s Game Center "My GF's Grandma bought an old building in Chiba. The first 2 floors were an old game center up until the early 90s.
- Second Life’s second act will be a social network for virtual reality "We could argue that it's the only meaningful virtual world that's been created to this date."
- Self-Interviewing Devs: Proteus And “Walking Simulators” “I didn’t play the game but I can walk in a frigging forest if I want to why should I try to it in a computer game?”