- Gorilla Simulator "This game is about a gorilla that wants to kill all the humans and turn them all into gorillas."
- ClusterPuck 99 "Introducing ClusterPuck 99, a sporty competitive sports game about sports based on athletics! Featuring 8-player, Local competitive action on your PC or Mac."
- Coming Out Simulator 2014 "Be careful what you say. In this conversation simulator, everyone will remember every dialogue option you pick, and your choices drive the story. This game is semi-autobiographical."
- Girlfriend’s Grandma’s Game Center "My GF's Grandma bought an old building in Chiba. The first 2 floors were an old game center up until the early 90s.
- Wolfenstein: Die neue Unordnung "Wäre TNO ein Film, er würde als Straight-to-Video-C-Movie in den untersten Regalen der Videotheken vergammeln."
- The Kentucky Route Zero Guide To Film "I gave a talk this year at GDC about the scenography of Kentucky Route Zero, the theatrical and cinematic influences on the game, and how we go about designing for performance.
Video Games Don’t Cause Violent Behavior
- Commodore Pi "The primary goal of this project is to develop a native Commodore 64 operating system for the Raspberry Pi, with hooks that allow for access to more RAM, GPIO, USB and Ethernet. It currently uses the Comeback64 emulator as its kernel."
- Thomas’s Dark Soul Is Alone "So there you have it.
PBS Game/Show: What Are The Worst Videogames Ever?!?
- Star Trek 1971 Text Game "Two years after the original series was canceled in 1969, high school senior Mike Mayfield was busy keeping the Star Trek universe alive by feeding punched paper tape into a Sigma 7 in an effort to bring the crew of the Enterprise and the Klingon Empire to life on a 10 character-per-second teletype terminal."
- Video gamers’ aggression linked to frustration "The disturbing imagery or violent storylines of videos games like World of Warcraft or Grand Theft Auto are often accused of fostering feelings of aggression in players.
Does Legend of Zelda Exploit Nostalgia?
Would it Matter if Master Chief Were Gay?
The Slaying Of Sandy Hook Elementary
Manchmal reicht schon der Titel eines Spiels aus, um sicher zu sein, dass man besser Augen und Finger davon lassen sollte. The Slaying Of Sandy Hook Elementary, ein Spiel, das die Geschmacklosigkeit bereits im Namen trägt, gehört definitiv dazu. Basierend auf dem Amoklauf an einer Grundschule im US-Bundesstaat Connecticut vor einem Jahr, nimmt man die Rolle des damaligen Täters ein, der zunächst seine Mutter erschießt und anschließend mit einem Sturmgewehr und einer Pistole bewaffnet seine ehemalige Schule betritt und ohne erkennbares Motiv 20 Kinder, 6 Schulangestellte und bei Eintreffen der Polizei schließlich sich selbst tötet. (…)