Retro Rock Cafe

Willkommen im Retro Rock Cafe. Wir präsentieren Ihnen heute eine Vielzahl talentierter Künstler, die Titelmelodien unvergesslicher C64-Klassiker performen. Viel Spaß!

Doron Deutsch – Kung Fu Master Jam (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Doron Deutsch – Kung Fu Master Jam]

Novaload – Bubble Bobble One Minute Metal Cut (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Novaload – Bubble Booble One Minute Metal Cut]

Machinae Supremacy – Great Giana Sisters (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Machinae Supremacy – Great Giana Sisters]

Puffy64 – Way Of The Exploding Fist (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Puffy64 – Way Of The Exploding Fist]

Puffy64 – Last Ninja Hymn (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Puffy64 – Last Ninja Hymn]

Melloboy – The Last Ninja (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Melloboy – The Last Ninja]

Picrard – Ghost ‘n Goblins (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Picrard – Ghost ‘n Goblins]

Gamml – International Karate Rock (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Gamml – International Karate Rock]

Puffy64 – Zak Mcommando Kracken (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Puffy64 – Zak Mcommando Kracken]

Reyn Ouwehand – Green Beret Live (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Reyn Ouwehand – Green Beret]

Press Play On Tape – Out Run (Download, ?)
[audio:|titles=Press Play On Tape – Out Run]