Canabalt Open Source
Im Zuge des Indie iPhone Holiday Sales geben Adam “Atomic” Saltsman und Eric Johnson den Quelltext inklusive Grafik und Musik von Canabalt zum Download frei.
“Canabalt has been a crazy ride for us. It’s helped keep the lights on and pay for our health insurance, and allowed us to take the kind of risks that indie devs love to take. But, in the spirit of the Humble Indie Bundle, the holidays, and a (likely) bout of temporary insanity, it’s time to open our trenchcoat and show everybody what we’ve got going on under there! (…) This code isn’t even up on the App Store yet! 60 FPS performance on iPad and iPhone4 and proper retina support are included, as well as the optimizations that helped make that stuff possible. “
Yeah, eine schöne Geste. Aber Herr Saltsman kann es sich wohl leisten, schließlich wanderte das Spiel über 225.000 Mal über die AppStore-Theke.