Archiv: #dokumentation


Adam Atomic Talks Canabalt

Das über Kickstarter finanzierte Projekt IndieGame: The Movie soll im Frühling 2011 erscheinen. In unregelmäßigen Abständen veröffentlichen die Macher James Swirsky und Lisanne Pajot kurze Teaser-Filme, die Lust auf mehr machen.
Die aktuelle Auskopplung enthält ein Interview mit Adam Atomic, dem Mann hinter dem erfolgreichen Indie-Titel Canabalt.

“We have a new video that we wanted to share.


Reformat the Planet

“Reformat the Planet (RTP) is a feature length documentary which delves into the movement known as chip music, a vibrant underground scene based around creating new, original music using obsolete video game hardware. Familiar devices such as the Nintendo Game Boy and Nintendo Entertainment System are pushed in new directions with startling results.”


High Score

Hier geht es nicht um die beste Community der Welt, sondern um den Dokumentarfilm von Jeremy Mack.

“HIGH SCORE follows Bill as he attempts to take down the Atari classic Missle Command and its twenty year-old record. To get the 80 million points he’ll have to play the game on one quarter for over two days straight.
